Why private real estate

Why private real estate

Many investors are under allocated to private real estate, even though it can be an effective way to enhance the risk/return profile of traditional portfolios, generate income and tap emerging secular trends.

Real estate is the third largest asset class

Unlike most asset classes, real estate is both income and growth oriented.

Allocation to private real estate enhances returns and may reduce volatility

An allocation to private real estate would have increased return and may have reduced volatility over the last 20 years, when added to a traditional portfolio of equities and bonds.

Model index blend

Trailing 20-year period as of December 31, 2022, Annualized

Real estate is a potential hedge to inflation

Real estate has distinct characteristics that can help provide a buffer against inflation. For example, sectors with shorter lease durations have the ability to reset rents promptly as conditions change.

In the case of slow growth—or even a recession—longer, inflation-linked rental contracts offer relatively strong and steady income growth potential. The historically strong performance of real estate during periods of higher inflation reflects these characteristics. We believe that in a new regime of slow growth and elevated inflationary risks, real estate can offer needed diversification and inflation mitigation.

Real estate net operating income versus CPI1

December 1995 – December 2022

REITs and preferred securities offer tax efficiencies

Investment solutions with inherent tax efficiencies may help investors diversify sources of income and potentially keep more of what they earn. REITs have a history of attractive distributions before and after taxes, benefiting from a 20% tax deduction on REIT income and favorable tax treatment of capital gains and return of capital.

Average 10-year yield6